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Your Health and Wellness Matter


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As moms, we are often revered as strong, courageous nurturers. But the truth is that in order to be the fierce nurturer (lioness) that you were created to be, maintaining optimal wellness for yourself is vital. Moms……… Listen UP! You must put your oxygen mask on first and then your child (and others). Does this sound familiar to you? Of course, as it is referenced on every flight that you take when traveling. It is just that important!! You have to take care of yourself so that you can consciously tend to the needs of your child(ren), your family {your pride}, and friends.


Everything you feel and do relates to your well-being and directly affects your actions, emotions, and families. To subdue stress, combat demands of motherhood, tackle prenatal, antepartum and postpartum, and ensure you are showing up as a present being during positive moments in your life, you must strive to achieve optimal wellness by knowing that your wellness matters! Although few admit it, motherhood is tough! Yes, I said it, and I am not ashamed. It is tough, but I am, and you are created for this. You are here for a reason, and together, we will tackle the challenges and celebrate the triumphs of motherhood.


At Lioness Horizon, we realize there is not one “magic potion” that works for everyone. We will apply a wellness approach towards all things that matter to you - your environment, community, family, career, belief systems, physical activities, self-care, healthy eating, self-esteem, and creative activities.  Let's work together to create balance, wholeness, and wellness!





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